Monday, November 22, 2010

November 21, 2008

I will never forget that day. It started off like any other Friday. I got up early because I had to take Parker [my little brother] to the baby sitter's house. I just threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, since it was cold. Got him dressed, we watched a few minutes of cartoons and we got in the car...and off to the baby sitter's we go.

I'm driving along the road. I have the radio softly playing and Parker is in the back seat in his car seat just talking up a storm. We round a curb in the road, and that's when my life completely changed. I am going about 45-50 MPH at the time, and about 15 yards in front of me, this Honda CRV pulls out in front of me, without stopping at the stop sign. I T-Boned her in her drivers door and don't remember anything else until stopping. My airbags deployed. I finally came to a stop...and didn't care about anything until I got my little brother out of the back. I open up the door, jump out [I don't remember undoing my seat belt] and opened the back door. What do I see? My brother sitting there with blood trickling down his face. I freaked out in my mind. But stayed calm so he wouldn't freak. Apparently something hit him right beside his right eye, and we have no clue what it was. We call 911...I call my Dad and step-dad. It seriously felt like an eternity before they got there. But in reality, it was probably 5-7 minutes. The girl in the other vehicle got a ticket for failure to yield.

I sustained a few injuries from the wreck. I sprained my ankle somehow. Had some seat belt burns [from my chest all the way to my hips...they were UGLY!]. I seriously looked like I had been beaten. And then went to the hospital two days later because I couldn't breathe. And I had some deep muscle bruises. So needless to say, recovery wasn't fun. But I have to say, it was the worst day of my life. Ever. I will leave you with a few pictures. They still give me chills to look at them. And to be honest, I have no idea how I survived besides with God on my side. I am extremely lucky.

The side of the Honda that pulled out in front of us. Bad part? It was brand new basically and this totaled her vehicle due to the airbags coming out and bending the frame.

What was left of my car

Close up

They might smell, and they might hurt, but boy, do they save lives. I've never been more thankful for an airbag.

Standing from what the driver's side door.

The scary thing is, where that crack's probably about eye level with where my head was. I am so glad that it just spider webbed my windshield and there was that major crack in the middle. Not too sure how bad it would have been if it shattered.

Looking back two years later...I drive a lot more carefully even though this wasn't my fault. I just pay more attention to the people around me. But every time someone pulls out in front of me, my heart beats a little faster and I slightly freak out because I think of the wreck. But I am done blogging for a day...two posts for a day is enough. Especially when they're long like these are. Have a wonderful night!

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