Thursday, February 16, 2012

One Year...So Many Changes

A year ago today, I received the most shocking yet biggest news of my life. I was on the road to becoming a Mom! Baxter had taken me to the hospital about 8:00 that night because my left side was killing me, and we weren't sure what was going on. We get there, they take an X-Ray and give me Motrin before taking a pee test...thinking the whole time it was kidney related. Well, they came into my room about 10:00 that night and told me that my kidney's looked fine...but I was pregnant. I literally jumped out of the bed and started crying. I was scared to death. I kept saying "how did this happen?! I'm on birth control" and "My Mom is going to kill me." Well, we called my Mom on the way home from the hospital and told her. I was still freaking out.

But today, a year later, I can't imagine my life without Aubrey! She is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love her more that I could ever imagine I could love someone. My life changed for the better a year ago.

From this...     

...To this at 6 weeks...
...To this at 20 weeks...
...To this on her birthday 11/03/11...
...To this 2 days ago on Valentine's Day...
Wow...a year goes by so fast when you sit down and think about it!

3 Months...only 2 weeks late!!

Aubrey didn't have a 3 month appointment...but we were in the pediatrician's office anyways due to a nasty cold. Her 3 months stats are:

Weight: 12 lbs 14 oz.
Height: Guessing 24 inches...
Diapers: Size 1...just went to size 2 this week
Eats: anywhere between 6-8 oz every 4-5 hours
Clothes: 0-3 or 3 months...really depends on what it is
Sleep: She is officially STTN! She will go down around 9-10 and wake up around 8 or so. Every now and then she will wake up during the night.

Other Milestones:
She smiles ALL the time! I love seeing her gummy smile.
She also mimics everything we do. We make some kind of noise, and she will do the same thing.
She is cooing a lot too! She just talks and talks and talks. That is normally how she wakes herself up in the mornings! 
She is starting to teethe. She has knots on the top and some on the bottom. I wish they would hurry up and cut through, but I know it can still be a while. I just hate seeing my baby in all the pain. 

But I am going to leave you with some pictures...since it has been so long since I posted anything. 
First Valentine's Day

Talking to Daddy

Monday, January 9, 2012

2 Months!


You are 2 months old (as of last Wednesday)! Where in the world has the time gone?! Seems like yesterday that I was just holding you for the first time! 

At 2 months you are:

Weighing in at 10 lbs 1 oz.
23 in long.
Head measures 38 cm around.
Wearing size 1 diapers.
Wearing 0-3 and 3 month clothes.
Eating anywhere between 4-8 oz every 3.5-4 hours.
Sleeping through the night...normally going to sleep anywhere between 10-11 and waking up around 8-9 a.m.

You like to watch TV when someone is holding you (even though I don't let you do it a lot).
You are smiling a lot more than you did.
You recognize voices and Momma always seems to calm you down. When Momma can't...Daddy can.
You love your swing.
You hate to lay down unless you're sleeping. You want to sit you sit up with someone holding you. 

The past 2 months have definitely been the hardest months of my life. But at the same time, they have been the best, most rewarding months of my life. I have never loved someone as much as I love you, Sweet Pea.

I love you to the moon and back, Aubrey Michele.


Mommy :) 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011...A Year To Remember

How is it New Year's Eve already? It seems like yesterday that we were ringing in 2011 downtown. I am having a hard time believing we are getting ready to say "Goodbye, 2011...Hello, 2012!"


We rang in 2011 at a bar in Downtown Athens. I even remember what I was drinking when the clock struck midnight.

January also brought a freak snow/ice storm to Georgia that shut down the state for an entire week. It was crazy!
    Jan. 2011


    February brought us the biggest surprise of our lives! We found out on 2/16 that we were pregnant!  
    We got to see our sweet angel for the first time in March! It made it feel a lot more real than just seeing the positive pregnancy tests and morning sickness.
    First picture of our little Peanut! I was so excited that day after I saw her! 
    Nothing unusual happened in April. We celebrated Easter with the family and just got more and more excited about our little Peanut. I know besides that, I started a new job! 

    May was a tough month for me. I have no pictures, besides belly pictures which are already on here. I basically worked that month and got over what happened at the end of April.


    June...we found out we were expecting a little princess! 
    June also came with a week hospital stay due to a kidney infection and a trip to our family lake house up at Lake Burton. I couldn't ask for a better start to a summer! 

    Another trip to the lake house! And the 4th of July! This year, there wasn't much to do during July. Just working a lot and spending time with family. 


    With August, came the same as July. Working.


    September...definitely the best time of the year! Georgia football! GO DAWGS!!

    Also with September, was my first baby shower! I was so blessed and I really wish I had actually posted about it on here. We got plenty of things, and Aubrey is definitely spoiled! 
    Such a cute outfit...I can't wait for her to wear it! 
    The month we have been waiting for since finding out we were pregnant. Also, October bought our last baby shower from our family. Again, we were very blessed! We just thought we were meeting our precious angel this month.


    By far, the best month of my life. November 3, we were blessed with the most beautiful baby girl in the world. She came in to our lives weighing 6 lbs 11 oz and 19 1/4 inches long. She's beautiful! 

     Also in November, I turned 23 two weeks after Aubrey was born. And then a week later, we celebrated Aubrey's first Thanksgiving.


    December bought a lot of stuff for our new family. An engagement ring Christmas morning, our first Christmas together, me going back to work...etc. 
    Overall, this has been the best year of my life, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I can't wait to see what 2012 holds for our little family! 


      Tuesday, December 20, 2011

      1 Month!

      At 1 month...

      • Aubrey weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces 
      • She was 22 inches long
      • She was still in newborn diapers 
      • She was still in newborn clothes.
      Since then, Aubrey is now in size one diapers and wearing 0-3 months, even though some of her newborn still fits. She is growing like a weed and eating anywhere between 3-4 ounces at a time. I will post more and pictures when I get the chance...things have been so busy with the holidays just around the corner! (Hint, that explains why this is TWO weeks late!) May you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

      Sunday, November 13, 2011

      Aubrey's Birth Story [Warning: Photo Overload!]

      Aubrey Michele Davis--Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 7:57 P.M.--6 pounds 11 ounces--19 1/4 inches long

      I went to the doctor on Monday, 10/31 for my 40 week check up. The doctor measured my belly and said that she was going to be a big baby by the way I was measuring. I decided for an induction since 1. I didn't want to deliver a big baby and 2. I was tired of being pregnant and not making any progress. She checked me and I was still dilated to 1 cm. So, we set my induction to start Thursday at 7:15 A.M.

       Baxter made all of his preparations to be out of work for the weekend. I called my Mom and let her know we were inducing. Then we made the calls to everyone else. My Mom and sister were going to be in the delivery room with me, along with Baxter, so I had to let her know that she needed to be out of school Thursday. 

      On Wednesday night, I had some small contractions, but made no progress by the time we made it to the hospital. I had 4 hours of sleep that night, and got up at 4:45 Thursday morning to take one last shower and eat a light breakfast before heading to the hospital. I left my house that morning, knowing it was the last time I would leave while pregnant. I definitely had a mix of emotions...which were mostly nerves by this time.

      We arrived at the hospital at 6:45 A.M. and got registered. They sent us up to Labor and Delivery, and we went to our room. We sat around until 7:15, when the nurse came in. She had me change in to my hospital gown and got all my information needed. 

      Around 7:45, the nurse checked me and I was 1 cm and 30% effaced. She inserted the IV in to my arm, and blew my vein. I still have a huge, nasty bruise from it! So she ended up getting the vein in my wrist. After getting my IV in, she started Pitocin...which I have decided is the bitch. It was horrible. I hated it. 
      At 8:45, the nurse and the doctor came in and checked me again. I was at 2 cm and 50% effaced within an hour. This is when the doctor broke my water and told me that I would probably deliver late Thursday night/early Friday morning. So I was expecting a long labor at this point. 
      At 2:00, I was practically begging for my epidural. So, we told the nurse, she checked me, and then the anesthesiologist came in. He seriously was my best friend after I got my epi! When she checked me, I was only 3 cm and 90% effaced. So, I basically made no progress since 8:45. I believe it was from me not relaxing and I would tense up with all the contractions. 
      The doctor came in at 4:30, and checked me again. I was 7 cm and 100% effaced. I was shocked! I went 3 cm in 2 hours! The doctor told me that I would be checked again at 7:30 and we should be able to push then. I was excited, yet nervous! Once I relaxed, things definitely got moving. 
      Around 6:45, I started feeling a lot of pressure in my butt. I told my Mom and everyone else in the room, and we said we would just wait until the nurse came in and checked me. Around 7:20 or so, the nurse came in and checked me. She checked me, and Aubrey was literally right there. She told me "don't move, don't do anything. Just lay there." 
      The nurse came back in, and we started pushing. After 20ish minutes of pushing, at 7:57 P.M., Aubrey made her debut in to the world. The first thing out of my mouth was "You aren't a big baby!" I laid my head back and cried once I heard that first cry. It is truly the best sound in the world. And I cannot believe how much I love something this small. She's perfect!
      We have been home 8 days, and getting used to each other. She is such a happy and content baby. She truly makes life so much better. I have never been happier in my entire life, even though I'm sleep deprived. 


      Tuesday, November 1, 2011

      40 Weeks! And Belly Pictures!

      We made it to 40 weeks, and I'm not doing an actual update! Instead, I have collages of all my belly pictures I've taken throughout the entire pregnancy that I'll post! And right now, we are sitting at 40+3 weeks and she isn't budging. I am 1 cm dilated and 50% we have officially given Aubrey an eviction notice. She can pack her bags and move out before Thursday, or Thursday morning at 7:15, they will start the induction process. I'm nervous but very excited about meeting this little one! But I will see y'all on the other side! For now, enjoy the pictures and see how much I have changed since February! Crazy!