Thursday, February 16, 2012

One Year...So Many Changes

A year ago today, I received the most shocking yet biggest news of my life. I was on the road to becoming a Mom! Baxter had taken me to the hospital about 8:00 that night because my left side was killing me, and we weren't sure what was going on. We get there, they take an X-Ray and give me Motrin before taking a pee test...thinking the whole time it was kidney related. Well, they came into my room about 10:00 that night and told me that my kidney's looked fine...but I was pregnant. I literally jumped out of the bed and started crying. I was scared to death. I kept saying "how did this happen?! I'm on birth control" and "My Mom is going to kill me." Well, we called my Mom on the way home from the hospital and told her. I was still freaking out.

But today, a year later, I can't imagine my life without Aubrey! She is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love her more that I could ever imagine I could love someone. My life changed for the better a year ago.

From this...     

...To this at 6 weeks...
...To this at 20 weeks...
...To this on her birthday 11/03/11...
...To this 2 days ago on Valentine's Day...
Wow...a year goes by so fast when you sit down and think about it!

3 Months...only 2 weeks late!!

Aubrey didn't have a 3 month appointment...but we were in the pediatrician's office anyways due to a nasty cold. Her 3 months stats are:

Weight: 12 lbs 14 oz.
Height: Guessing 24 inches...
Diapers: Size 1...just went to size 2 this week
Eats: anywhere between 6-8 oz every 4-5 hours
Clothes: 0-3 or 3 months...really depends on what it is
Sleep: She is officially STTN! She will go down around 9-10 and wake up around 8 or so. Every now and then she will wake up during the night.

Other Milestones:
She smiles ALL the time! I love seeing her gummy smile.
She also mimics everything we do. We make some kind of noise, and she will do the same thing.
She is cooing a lot too! She just talks and talks and talks. That is normally how she wakes herself up in the mornings! 
She is starting to teethe. She has knots on the top and some on the bottom. I wish they would hurry up and cut through, but I know it can still be a while. I just hate seeing my baby in all the pain. 

But I am going to leave you with some pictures...since it has been so long since I posted anything. 
First Valentine's Day

Talking to Daddy