Aubrey didn't have a 3 month appointment...but we were in the pediatrician's office anyways due to a nasty cold. Her 3 months stats are:
Weight: 12 lbs 14 oz.
Height: Guessing 24 inches...
Diapers: Size 1...just went to size 2 this week
Eats: anywhere between 6-8 oz every 4-5 hours
Clothes: 0-3 or 3 months...really depends on what it is
Sleep: She is officially STTN! She will go down around 9-10 and wake up around 8 or so. Every now and then she will wake up during the night.
Other Milestones:
She smiles ALL the time! I love seeing her gummy smile.
She also mimics everything we do. We make some kind of noise, and she will do the same thing.
She is cooing a lot too! She just talks and talks and talks. That is normally how she wakes herself up in the mornings!
She is starting to teethe. She has knots on the top and some on the bottom. I wish they would hurry up and cut through, but I know it can still be a while. I just hate seeing my baby in all the pain.
But I am going to leave you with some pictures...since it has been so long since I posted anything.  |
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