Thursday, February 17, 2011

Life, in general

I know, I haven't blogged in a while. I need to get back to the grind and start blogging again. After the last blog, we were out of school probably for another day or two. And since then, we've had another snow, but it stayed on the ground maybe 12-14 hours. And it was the kind of snow I like. Fluffy, and melts fast! It was beautiful none the least.

Life has been...interesting. I found another job, but the sad thing is I only have about five or so hours a week. I need a whole lot more than that. School is going well...tests and papers, etc. Gotta love college life!

When I have more time, I will definitely update more. Because there is a lot more going on then what I feel like posting right now. I don't think some things need to come out. But there's some personal things going on in life.

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