Monday, September 20, 2010

30 Day Letter Project: Day 5

Day 5: Your Dreams


Wow. I have so many things that I want to accomplish before I die. So I'm just going to name them off and say why or what makes me want to do it.

1. Nursing: I'm pretty sure this is the only dream that is constantly on my mind right now. You know, you always knew what you wanted to be when you were a kid. Well, mine wasn't nursing. It was being a teacher. The Summer between my Sophomore and Junior years in high school, I decided that I wanted to become a Nursing major. I took Health Occupation classes and A&P (Anatomy and Physiology for you non-medical people) in high school and loved both of them. So now, I am trying to finish my core classes and thinking about where to transfer after cores are done. What kind of Nursing do I want to do? I'm really leaning towards L&D (labor and delivery) or Pediatrics. Not too exactly sure yet. I know I don't want to do the ER or trauma though.

2. I want to be a wife one day. I have always wanted to be a wife. I want to make someones day when they come home and for him to do the same. I knew that before I got married to my ex. But I know that I want someone to love me for me. I'm not going to spill my heart out here. This is just what I know I have always wanted to do.

3. I want to be a mother one day. I don't need to explain this one at all...or should I say, I don't think I'm able to explain it. I just know that I want someone that is more important to me than life itself. I want someone to be my life. I want to give someone life (the best that I can, without being God).

4. I want to be the woman, wife, and mother that God wants me to be.

I know I have plenty more dreams in life. But those are the main things I want to do.

S/N: Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I will try to catch up with my 30 day letters tonight and tomorrow! This is the first free night I've had since Wednesday of last week, I believe.

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