How is it New Year's Eve already? It seems like yesterday that we were ringing in 2011 downtown. I am having a hard time believing we are getting ready to say "Goodbye, 2011...Hello, 2012!"
We rang in 2011 at a bar in Downtown Athens. I even remember what I was drinking when the clock struck midnight.
January also brought a freak snow/ice storm to Georgia that shut down the state for an entire week. It was crazy!
Jan. 2011 | | | |
February brought us the biggest surprise of our lives! We found out on 2/16 that we were pregnant!
02/20/2011 | | | |
We got to see our sweet angel for the first time in March! It made it feel a lot more real than just seeing the positive pregnancy tests and morning sickness.
First picture of our little Peanut! I was so excited that day after I saw her! |
Nothing unusual happened in April. We celebrated Easter with the family and just got more and more excited about our little Peanut. I know besides that, I started a new job!
May was a tough month for me. I have no pictures, besides belly pictures which are already on here. I basically worked that month and got over what happened at the end of April.
June...we found out we were expecting a little princess!
June also came with a week hospital stay due to a kidney infection and a trip to our family lake house up at Lake Burton. I couldn't ask for a better start to a summer!
Another trip to the lake house! And the 4th of July! This year, there wasn't much to do during July. Just working a lot and spending time with family.
With August, came the same as July. Working.
September...definitely the best time of the year! Georgia football! GO DAWGS!!
Also with September, was my first baby shower! I was so blessed and I really wish I had actually posted about it on here. We got plenty of things, and Aubrey is definitely spoiled!
Such a cute outfit...I can't wait for her to wear it! |
The month we have been waiting for since finding out we were pregnant. Also, October bought our last baby shower from our family. Again, we were very blessed! We just thought we were meeting our precious angel this month.
By far, the best month of my life. November 3, we were blessed with the most beautiful baby girl in the world. She came in to our lives weighing 6 lbs 11 oz and 19 1/4 inches long. She's beautiful!
Also in November, I turned 23 two weeks after Aubrey was born. And then a week later, we celebrated Aubrey's first Thanksgiving.
December bought a lot of stuff for our new family. An engagement ring Christmas morning, our first Christmas together, me going back to work...etc.
Overall, this has been the best year of my life, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I can't wait to see what 2012 holds for our little family!