Tuesday, August 30, 2011

31 Weeks

How Far Along: 31 weeks...oh my gosh. We are in single digit weeks waiting her arrival.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a squash.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Keeps fluctuating. Up 1.5 pounds. Still down 2 pounds pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity Clothes: Pants...yes. My regular shirts are getting tight and short...especially my work shirt.
Gender: Girl! Aubrey Michele
Movement: Yes! All the time!
Sleep: Has been horrible! I feel like it takes forever to get to sleep. And then when I wake up, I still feel exhausted.
What I miss: A good night's sleep:)
Cravings: Coke slushies...I can't get enought of them!
Symptoms: Constantly in the bathroom because she's dancing on my bladder! And I believe my urge to start nesting has shown up. I can't clean enough. And I think morning sickness is showing up...again.
Best Moment this week: Looking forward to Friday...I wanna hear her heartbeat. It's been another rough week. BP has started to increase and I can't get rid of a headache. They did a blood test for pre-eclampsia. It came back normal. But they found some protein in my urine. SO, we'll wait till Friday and go from there.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

30 Weeks!

How Far Along: 30 Weeks 5 days...OH MY! 65 days left....eek!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a squash.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Keeps fluctuating...up half a pound in four weeks. Just depends on the day, I think.
Maternity Clothes: Pants...yes. My regular shirts are getting tight and short...especially my work shirt.
Gender: Girl! Aubrey Michele
Movement: Yes! All the time!
Sleep: Has been horrible! I feel like it takes forever to get to sleep. And then when I wake up, I still feel exhausted.
What I miss: A good night's sleep:)
Cravings: Pizza. Bad. And Coke slushies
Symptoms: Constantly in the bathroom because she's dancing on my bladder! And I believe my urge to start nesting has shown up. I can't clean enough. And I think morning sickness is showing up...again.
Best Moment this week: This week has been a rough week. I don't feel like going in to details, but I will say that I am seeing a psychiatrist tomorrow. But I guess the best part is feeling her move all the time. She brings a smile to my face with every movement she makes.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cravings, Cravings, and More Cravings...Oh My!

I know, a middle of the week post. And I am so proud of myself for doing it! I'm just afraid by the weekend I will forget all about my cravings....again! I always seem to when I'm doing my update! Anyways, I have definitely had a lot of cravings lately. But there's been some main ones. And some aversions. It's been crazy!

  • Chocolate Milk: Oh my gosh! I cannot get enough chocolate milk. Yesterday, I had five, yes FIVE, cups myself. I've always liked milk, but never like this! I am finding this insane! And I'm drinking regular milk to on top of that. Hopefully Aubrey will come out LOVING milk the way her Momma does!
  • Crunch Bars: You know, the chocolate bars with the little crunchy things in them. Yes, I want them. All the time. For a while, I didn't want sweets. But now, I can't get enough of them. Almost every time I go in to the grocery store, I have to get one. So the other night, Baxter and I went to the Golden Pantry and they stopped selling Crunch bars because apparently "they're too cheap for the GP." I was so pissed off and could have cried.
  • Chicken: YUM! I don't care where it's from, if it's dipped or cooked in anything, or whatever. I want chicken! I have always been a big fan of chicken. But this one...it's different! I could eat chicken for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks! No, I don't eat it this often though!
  • Coke Slushies: I am a Diet Coke drinker. Always have been. But Coke Slushies are ah-mazing! I am in the gas station at least once every day to get me a Coke slushie. And yes, I am drinking water too.I feel like I am always putting something to drink in my mouth!
  • Pizza: Yum! I wanted pizza last night and had to wait until today. But it wasn't as good as I had planned. Boo. I hate despise when that happens. Especially when pregnant.
I think that is it for cravings. I know, I'll come up with something else one day before Aubrey makes her appearance. As for aversions, there really isn't that much. Mainly just Reese cups...which is weird to me. I love peanut butter and chocolate. Right now, it just doesn't seem appealing when they're together. Hmm.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

28 Weeks...Oh My!

How Far Along: 28 Weeks...Oh my goodness! Entered 3rd tri last week while at the lake and realized that there is only 84 days until this princess' due date!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of an eggplant...again!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Keeps fluctuating...when I weighed myself this morning, I was down 5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. At the doctor....6 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Pants...yes. I realized that I can still wear some of my regular shirts and dresses.
Gender: Girl! Aubrey Michele
Movement: Yes! All the time!
Sleep: Has been horrible! I feel like it takes forever to get to sleep. And then when I wake up, I still feel exhausted.
What I miss: With it being so hot, a nice cold beer. But I know, it's all worth not having it!
Cravings: Sweets! I can't get enough of them!
Symptoms: Constantly in the bathroom because she's dancing on my bladder! And I believe my urge to start nesting has shown up. I can't clean enough!
Best Moment this week: Since I didn't post last week because I was at the lake, I'll tell you all about it. The best part definitely has to be the mini vacay to the lake. It was so relaxing and peaceful. I did not want to come back! Then, I found out I passed my 1-hour gestational diabetes testing. So that excited me. Then I found out she was head down! Actually, I freaked out over that a little bit. Not so good thing...I fell while getting in the shower. But everything seems to be fine now. We went to the doctor and heard the heartbeat and got an U/S. But she sure knows how to scare Mommy by not moving a lot right after it happened. I seriously thought there was something wrong. And then I started to spot and cramp really bad...which sent me to L&D to be monitored for a while. Nothing but Braxton Hicks...huge sigh of relief there!