Saturday, April 30, 2011

14 Weeks!

How Far Along: 14 weeks    
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a lemon
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Stepped on the scale a couple nights ago, and lost 4 pounds. Not too sure...will find out Friday:)
Maternity Clothes: Buying more:) today, I got another dress for a wedding I'll be attending and then some shirts.
Gender: Strong feeling it's a little dancer :)
Movement: Waiting...not so patient about it either! 
Sleep: Has been AMAZING!
What I miss: A stiff drink...not really, well, kinda.
 Cravings: Chick-fil-A:)
Symptoms: Headaches. Does pregnancy brain count?!
Best Moment this week: Not gonna lie, this week has been horrible. I would not wanna relive it for anything in my life. Thinking the only reason I was so determined was for Baby. Looking forward to Friday though:)

Monday, April 25, 2011

13 Weeks and a couple days...OOPS!

How Far Along: 13 weeks    
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a peach
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Scared to step on the scale. When I did last week, I was the same as before. So, hopefully nothing.
Maternity Clothes: My Easter dress was maternity and oh so comfy!
Gender: Strong feeling it's a little dancer :)
Movement: None. At all. Too early.
Sleep: Getting better
What I miss: This be honest, not all that much.
 Cravings: Chick-fil-A:)
Symptoms: Some of my symptoms have faded unless something off set it. Frequent urination. Headaches. Does pregnancy brain count?!
Best Moment this week: Making it to second trimester! Very excited :)
I have no idea how I am a week behind, but I have been so busy with a lot of things. I hope that eveyone had a wonderful and blessed Easter, and I will get around to an Easter post hopefully soon:)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

11 Weeks

How Far Along: 11 weeks    
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a lime:)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained two I'm even with pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity Clothes: Got a pair of pants for work the other comfy!
Gender: Strong feeling it's a little dancer :)
Movement: None. At all. Too early.
Sleep: Sucks...I am barely sleeping at all. It's horrible. 
What I miss: Not having headaches all the time. Sleeping.
 Cravings: Hmm...Japanesse food.
Symptoms: Tender breasts. Fatigue. Frequent urination. Headaches. Does pregnancy brain count?!
Best Moment this week: Hearing Baby's heartbeat at doctor's appointment yesterday. 157 Beats per minute...sweetest sound ever! Also, starting a new job :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Random Ramblings

I am so sorry that I haven't posted my 10 week update...and to be honest, I'm not going to this week. Nothing has really changed, and I will post [hopefully] on Saturday or Sunday after my doctor appointment this Friday. To be honest, I am so excited about the appointment, seeing as we didn't get to hear the heartbeat last appointment. I can't wait to hear that oh so beautiful sound!

But around here this week...things have been hectic!! I started feeling better last week, but then this week...things have reared their nasty head again. Migraines...check! And they are absolutely horrible. I'm hoping that they will start to subside as soon as I hit 2nd tri! And I hope they do. They're no fun! Morning sickness, on the other hand, hasn't been near as bad as it was. It has subsided a lot...but I still get nauseous some. Hopefully that is going away for good. I do know...a full night's sleep would be wonderful sometime though!

But like I was saying about this week....dang! I need a breather. It's exhausting being pregnant with other things going on. Last Saturday and Sunday, I had orientation for work and start this Friday. As nervous as I am...I'm also so excited about starting work again. I really haven't had a job since December [minus the 3 weeks in February] I am pretty happy about this. Monday night, we had some severe weather move through. And I mean severe when I say that...not just some "I'm scared and think this is gonna be bad" weather. We were out of power for almost 24 hours [can't complain, I know]. But the thing is, we almost think that a tornado skipped around us. Our chicken houses have tin thrown off the roof...stuff flew across the road in to our hay field...there are HUGE trees uprooted...and then the people down the road have an ass load of cleaning up to do. Thankfully, everyone is safe. But literally, the power went out and BAM the storm was right over us. We seriously had no warning at thunder, lightning, or anything. So not too sure what it was.

But, I am going to end this for the night. Just needed to ramble on some. Hope y'all have a wonderful rest of the week!