- Aubrey weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces
- She was 22 inches long
- She was still in newborn diapers
- She was still in newborn clothes.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
1 Month!
At 1 month...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Aubrey's Birth Story [Warning: Photo Overload!]
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Aubrey Michele Davis--Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 7:57 P.M.--6 pounds 11 ounces--19 1/4 inches long |
Baxter made all of his preparations to be out of work for the weekend. I called my Mom and let her know we were inducing. Then we made the calls to everyone else. My Mom and sister were going to be in the delivery room with me, along with Baxter, so I had to let her know that she needed to be out of school Thursday.
On Wednesday night, I had some small contractions, but made no progress by the time we made it to the hospital. I had 4 hours of sleep that night, and got up at 4:45 Thursday morning to take one last shower and eat a light breakfast before heading to the hospital. I left my house that morning, knowing it was the last time I would leave while pregnant. I definitely had a mix of emotions...which were mostly nerves by this time.
We arrived at the hospital at 6:45 A.M. and got registered. They sent us up to Labor and Delivery, and we went to our room. We sat around until 7:15, when the nurse came in. She had me change in to my hospital gown and got all my information needed.

Around 7:45, the nurse checked me and I was 1 cm and 30% effaced. She inserted the IV in to my arm, and blew my vein. I still have a huge, nasty bruise from it! So she ended up getting the vein in my wrist. After getting my IV in, she started Pitocin...which I have decided is the bitch. It was horrible. I hated it.
At 8:45, the nurse and the doctor came in and checked me again. I was at 2 cm and 50% effaced within an hour. This is when the doctor broke my water and told me that I would probably deliver late Thursday night/early Friday morning. So I was expecting a long labor at this point.
At 2:00, I was practically begging for my epidural. So, we told the nurse, she checked me, and then the anesthesiologist came in. He seriously was my best friend after I got my epi! When she checked me, I was only 3 cm and 90% effaced. So, I basically made no progress since 8:45. I believe it was from me not relaxing and I would tense up with all the contractions.
The doctor came in at 4:30, and checked me again. I was 7 cm and 100% effaced. I was shocked! I went 3 cm in 2 hours! The doctor told me that I would be checked again at 7:30 and we should be able to push then. I was excited, yet nervous! Once I relaxed, things definitely got moving.
Around 6:45, I started feeling a lot of pressure in my butt. I told my Mom and everyone else in the room, and we said we would just wait until the nurse came in and checked me. Around 7:20 or so, the nurse came in and checked me. She checked me, and Aubrey was literally right there. She told me "don't move, don't do anything. Just lay there."
The nurse came back in, and we started pushing. After 20ish minutes of pushing, at 7:57 P.M., Aubrey made her debut in to the world. The first thing out of my mouth was "You aren't a big baby!" I laid my head back and cried once I heard that first cry. It is truly the best sound in the world. And I cannot believe how much I love something this small. She's perfect!
We have been home 8 days, and getting used to each other. She is such a happy and content baby. She truly makes life so much better. I have never been happier in my entire life, even though I'm sleep deprived.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
40 Weeks! And Belly Pictures!
We made it to 40 weeks, and I'm not doing an actual update! Instead, I have collages of all my belly pictures I've taken throughout the entire pregnancy that I'll post! And right now, we are sitting at 40+3 weeks and she isn't budging. I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced...so we have officially given Aubrey an eviction notice. She can pack her bags and move out before Thursday, or Thursday morning at 7:15, they will start the induction process. I'm nervous but very excited about meeting this little one! But I will see y'all on the other side! For now, enjoy the pictures and see how much I have changed since February! Crazy!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I haven't felt like doing a weekly update lately (as you can tell)! And to be honest, I probably won't do one. But I will update just a few things.
Hope y'all have a wonderful week!
- I am 38+3 weeks...where in the world has the time gone!
- I am pretty sure this little girl plans on staying in Mommy as long as possible. I am neither dilated or effaced. I want to cry at this fact, because I have definitely been feeling some contractions and pressure down there.
- I am still working (maybe 4 hours a week)...and it sucks. I am so ready for leave. But I said from the beginning I was going to work up until Aubrey gets here or her due date. Right now, her due date will be here before she is!
- I had two amazing baby showers, and I am so thankful for them! Aubrey is beyond spoiled that it's crazy! I would post pictures, but to me, they aren't flattering! If we're friends on Facebook, you can see them.
- I have definitely enjoyed football season so far. We have a week off this weekend (10.22) as we prepare to take on the
dislikedhated Florida Gators on 10.29. - Talking about football, we need to beat Florida, and then Florida needs to beat South Carolina so we can take the SEC East.
- As for the SEC West, LSU needs to lose to Alabama on 11.5.
- And the big one besides Aubrey of course...there is 30 days until my birthday. It seems like yesterday I was celebrating my birthday with family and friends. And now, it's here again. Please, God, can the next 18 years go by realllllyyy slow instead of speeding by like I know they will. I can't imagine my baby girl graduating from high school.
Hope y'all have a wonderful week!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
34 Weeks!
How Far Along: 34 weeks...oh my! 42 days to go until due date! That is, if she decides to stay put that long!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a honeydew!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Keeps fluctuating. Up 1/2 a pound at my doctor's appt. Right at my pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity Clothes: Very much so. I can fit in a few pre-preg clothes, but they're getting snug.
Gender: Girl! Aubrey Michele
Movement: Yes! All the time!
Sleep: Has been horrible! That's about all I can say about it. Awful.
What I miss: A good night's sleep. An ice cold beer.
Cravings: Coke slushies still..and Mexican food. Yum.
Symptoms: Constantly in the bathroom.
Best Moment this week: Hearing her heartbeat...twice! Not so good...in the hospital for contractions. Now, at 34 weeks, they won't stop labor. Oh joy! Thankfully, the contractions were far enough apart and not strong enough to do anything. But they were going on over an hour and hurt!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
31 Weeks
How Far Along: 31 weeks...oh my gosh. We are in single digit weeks waiting her arrival.
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a squash.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Keeps fluctuating. Up 1.5 pounds. Still down 2 pounds pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity Clothes: Pants...yes. My regular shirts are getting tight and short...especially my work shirt.
Gender: Girl! Aubrey Michele
Movement: Yes! All the time!
Sleep: Has been horrible! I feel like it takes forever to get to sleep. And then when I wake up, I still feel exhausted.
What I miss: A good night's sleep:)
Cravings: Coke slushies...I can't get enought of them!
Symptoms: Constantly in the bathroom because she's dancing on my bladder! And I believe my urge to start nesting has shown up. I can't clean enough. And I think morning sickness is showing up...again.
Best Moment this week: Looking forward to Friday...I wanna hear her heartbeat. It's been another rough week. BP has started to increase and I can't get rid of a headache. They did a blood test for pre-eclampsia. It came back normal. But they found some protein in my urine. SO, we'll wait till Friday and go from there.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
30 Weeks!
How Far Along: 30 Weeks 5 days...OH MY! 65 days left....eek!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a squash.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Keeps fluctuating...up half a pound in four weeks. Just depends on the day, I think.
Maternity Clothes: Pants...yes. My regular shirts are getting tight and short...especially my work shirt.
Gender: Girl! Aubrey Michele
Movement: Yes! All the time!
Sleep: Has been horrible! I feel like it takes forever to get to sleep. And then when I wake up, I still feel exhausted.
What I miss: A good night's sleep:)
Cravings: Pizza. Bad. And Coke slushies
Symptoms: Constantly in the bathroom because she's dancing on my bladder! And I believe my urge to start nesting has shown up. I can't clean enough. And I think morning sickness is showing up...again.
Best Moment this week: This week has been a rough week. I don't feel like going in to details, but I will say that I am seeing a psychiatrist tomorrow. But I guess the best part is feeling her move all the time. She brings a smile to my face with every movement she makes.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Cravings, Cravings, and More Cravings...Oh My!
I know, a middle of the week post. And I am so proud of myself for doing it! I'm just afraid by the weekend I will forget all about my cravings....again! I always seem to when I'm doing my update! Anyways, I have definitely had a lot of cravings lately. But there's been some main ones. And some aversions. It's been crazy!
- Chocolate Milk: Oh my gosh! I cannot get enough chocolate milk. Yesterday, I had five, yes FIVE, cups myself. I've always liked milk, but never like this! I am finding this insane! And I'm drinking regular milk to on top of that. Hopefully Aubrey will come out LOVING milk the way her Momma does!
- Crunch Bars: You know, the chocolate bars with the little crunchy things in them. Yes, I want them. All the time. For a while, I didn't want sweets. But now, I can't get enough of them. Almost every time I go in to the grocery store, I have to get one. So the other night, Baxter and I went to the Golden Pantry and they stopped selling Crunch bars because apparently "they're too cheap for the GP." I was so pissed off and could have cried.
- Chicken: YUM! I don't care where it's from, if it's dipped or cooked in anything, or whatever. I want chicken! I have always been a big fan of chicken. But this one...it's different! I could eat chicken for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks! No, I don't eat it this often though!
- Coke Slushies: I am a Diet Coke drinker. Always have been. But Coke Slushies are ah-mazing! I am in the gas station at least once every day to get me a Coke slushie. And yes, I am drinking water too.I feel like I am always putting something to drink in my mouth!
- Pizza: Yum! I wanted pizza last night and had to wait until today. But it wasn't as good as I had planned. Boo. I
hatedespise when that happens. Especially when pregnant.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
28 Weeks...Oh My!
How Far Along: 28 Weeks...Oh my goodness! Entered 3rd tri last week while at the lake and realized that there is only 84 days until this princess' due date!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of an eggplant...again!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Keeps fluctuating...when I weighed myself this morning, I was down 5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. At the doctor....6 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Pants...yes. I realized that I can still wear some of my regular shirts and dresses.
Gender: Girl! Aubrey Michele
Movement: Yes! All the time!
Sleep: Has been horrible! I feel like it takes forever to get to sleep. And then when I wake up, I still feel exhausted.
What I miss: With it being so hot, a nice cold beer. But I know, it's all worth not having it!
Cravings: Sweets! I can't get enough of them!
Symptoms: Constantly in the bathroom because she's dancing on my bladder! And I believe my urge to start nesting has shown up. I can't clean enough!
Best Moment this week: Since I didn't post last week because I was at the lake, I'll tell you all about it. The best part definitely has to be the mini vacay to the lake. It was so relaxing and peaceful. I did not want to come back! Then, I found out I passed my 1-hour gestational diabetes testing. So that excited me. Then I found out she was head down! Actually, I freaked out over that a little bit. Not so good thing...I fell while getting in the shower. But everything seems to be fine now. We went to the doctor and heard the heartbeat and got an U/S. But she sure knows how to scare Mommy by not moving a lot right after it happened. I seriously thought there was something wrong. And then I started to spot and cramp really bad...which sent me to L&D to be monitored for a while. Nothing but Braxton Hicks...huge sigh of relief there!
Monday, July 25, 2011
26 Weeks
How Far Along: 26 weeks! One week away from 3rd tri!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of an eggplant!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: At the neurologist last week, I was still down 8 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. The doctors don't seem worried yet.
Maternity Clothes: Pants...yes. I realized that I can still wear some of my regular shirts and dresses.
Gender: Girl! Aubrey Michele
Movement: Yes! All the time!
Sleep: Has been okay. Still waking up during the night to use the restroom and in pain.
What I miss: Feeling like myself and having more energy. Not being sick.
Cravings: To be honest, nothing lately.
Symptoms: I'm feeling like I'm in the restroom all the freaking time. And morning sickness has showed up some. JOY!
Best Moment this week: Hearing her heartbeat tomorrow. Also, hoping to skip town this weekend and head to the lake! We'll see how my schedule for work is tomorrow.
I know I haven't blogged in a month. Between being sick, working, the 4th, doctor appointments, and moving...it's been one hectic month. I also have some belly pictures to post, but I'll do that when I have more time. I just wanted to update so in a year or so I can look back and remember all this stuff. Also, I have my gestational diabetes testing tomorrow. I am so not looking forward to that at all. I am actually dreading it, because I don't want to drink that sugary drink so early in the morning.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
22 Weeks!
How Far Along: 22 weeks! Holy crap!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Haven't stepped on the scale lately...still down about 7 or so pounds I guess.
Maternity Clothes: All the time!
Gender: My intuition was correct...it's a GIRL!
Movement: Yes! She moves around a lot!
Sleep: Has been okay. Still waking up during the night to use the restroom and in pain.
What I miss: Feeling like myself and having more energy.
Cravings: Sweets...Chic-Fil-A
Symptoms: I'm feeling like I'm in the restroom all the freaking time.
Best Moment this week: Not baby related...but spending 3 days at the lake this past week. Looking forward to the doctor's appointment Friday.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
It's A...
We found out yesterday that baby is a girl! We will name her Aubrey Michele. We are beyond excited and cannot wait to welcome this little one in to the world! But I will post pictures later when I have the chance!
Monday, June 13, 2011
20 Weeks...Halfway There!!
How Far Along: 20 weeks! OMG...where has the time gone?! Seems just like yesterday we were in the hospital finding out we were pregnant!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of an cantalope!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Down 12 pounds...gained two pounds at the doctor yesterday.
Maternity Clothes: All the time! They are so comfortable. I finally had to break them out...and boy am I glad I did!
Gender: Strong feeling it's a little dancer...but had a boy dream the other night! We will know TOMORROW!!
Movement: Yes! S/he's definitely moving around a lot more!
Sleep: Has been awful!
What I miss: Feeling like myself and having energy. I guess most of this is from a 4 night stay at the hospital.
Cravings: Sweets
Symptoms: At the moment, none.
Best Moment this week: To be honest, this week was hell. I spent 4 nights in the hospital, but went to the ER the day before being admitted. I will write all about this in a seperate post. But things with the little one is perfect:) We will find out tomorrow if we are having a boy or a girl and I am more than excited! I will also post a belly picture when I get the chance. I'm still working on getting my energy back and feeling like myself from the hospital.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
19 Weeks
How Far Along: 19 weeks!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of an mango!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Down 12 pounds...gained two pounds at the doctor yesterday.
Maternity Clothes: All the time! They are so comfortable. I finally had to break them out...and boy am I glad I did!
Gender: Strong feeling it's a little dancer...but had a boy dream the other night! We will know Friday!!
Movement: Yes! S/he's definitely moving around a lot more!
Sleep: Has been amazing!
What I miss: A cold alcoholic drink while sitting by the pool or lake.
Cravings: Pizza:)
Symptoms: None really...minus the bleeding gums and always being hungry and tired!
Best Moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat yesterday...and finding out the sex this Friday!
Can't believe I misssed both 17 and 18 weeks. Things have been crazy around here...and I have been working a lot. I will definitely post when I find out the sex and then will post the past two belly pictures. I feel like I've popped since 17 weeks!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Belly Pictures
I seriously have no idea how I missed my 17 week post...I'll do 18 weeks this weekend sometime! But right now, I'm going to post all of the pictures that I have so far! Hope everyone has a very safe and Happy Memorial Day weekend!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Random Ramblings
I'm not too sure what to name this post...or if it'll have a name. To be honest, blogging has been the last thing on my mind lately. So much has happened, that somedays, I'm not too sure what to do. Not sure what direction to go in, etc. The only thing that is keeping me a root and on top of things is Baby.
I want the best for this child. I lay in bed at night, and think about all the goals I have for him/her. I have always heard that children grow up fast, and now, I am scared because of it. I don't want the next 18 years to go by super fast, but I know they'll go by before I can blink my eyes. This baby has so many people who already love him/her and can't wait to meet him/her. I look forward to the day that s/he is born, and I can finally hold him/her in my arms. But I also know that s/he better stay put until at least 37 weeks! Do you hear me, Baby? No sooner!
Talking about Baby, we have names picked out. And I surely cannot wait to announce them. But we will not announce them until we know the sex. Which is in 27 days, if s/he cooperates! I can't wait! I want to start shopping so bad. I also have bedding picked out for each sex, and can't wait to find out what bedding we will use. When the bedding is purchased, I know I will post about it. Lately, I just haven't been in a mood to blog. I only do it so when Baby gets here, I can look back on my pregnancy, and remember the little milestones, such as movement and things.
Last Wednesday, I heard the Billy Dean song "Let Them Be Little"...and oh my gosh. I bawled like a baby. LeahJean was graduating from Pre-K, and her teacher made a slide show with that song. I have heard it before, but it has more meaning to me now.
But, I am done rambling on. If you made it this far, I'm proud of you! Have a great end of the week!
I want the best for this child. I lay in bed at night, and think about all the goals I have for him/her. I have always heard that children grow up fast, and now, I am scared because of it. I don't want the next 18 years to go by super fast, but I know they'll go by before I can blink my eyes. This baby has so many people who already love him/her and can't wait to meet him/her. I look forward to the day that s/he is born, and I can finally hold him/her in my arms. But I also know that s/he better stay put until at least 37 weeks! Do you hear me, Baby? No sooner!
Talking about Baby, we have names picked out. And I surely cannot wait to announce them. But we will not announce them until we know the sex. Which is in 27 days, if s/he cooperates! I can't wait! I want to start shopping so bad. I also have bedding picked out for each sex, and can't wait to find out what bedding we will use. When the bedding is purchased, I know I will post about it. Lately, I just haven't been in a mood to blog. I only do it so when Baby gets here, I can look back on my pregnancy, and remember the little milestones, such as movement and things.
Last Wednesday, I heard the Billy Dean song "Let Them Be Little"...and oh my gosh. I bawled like a baby. LeahJean was graduating from Pre-K, and her teacher made a slide show with that song. I have heard it before, but it has more meaning to me now.
But, I am done rambling on. If you made it this far, I'm proud of you! Have a great end of the week!
16 Weeks 4 Days
How Far Along: 16 weeks 4 days!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of an avocado
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Down 14 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Wearing them more and more. I now understand what people meant when they said they're comfortable!
Gender: Strong feeling it's a little dancer...but had a dream last week that it was a boy. We shall see! June 10...23 days!
Movement: Yes! Felt the first butterflies a couple days ago :)
Sleep: Has been okay...it could be better.
What I miss: A cold stiff drink...mmm.
Cravings: Back to chicken:)
Symptoms: I think morning sickness has came back....but it hasn't been every day. Just every now and then.
Best Moment this week: Definitely feeling movement
Sunday, May 8, 2011
15 Weeks and Happy Mother's Day!
How Far Along: 15 weeks!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a naval orange
Total Weight Gain/Loss: At the doctor on Friday, they told me I was down 10 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. They told me not to worry about it, so I'm not:) as long as I continue to eat healthy, I'll be fine. I know, soon, I'll be gaining weight :(
Maternity Clothes: Starting to wear them more often, my jeans are getting snug. One lady at church who just had a baby gave me all her maternity clothes. YAY! Now, I won't have to buy much!
Gender: Strong feeling it's a little dancer :)
Movement: Still waiting...hoping to feel flutters soon!
Sleep: Has been AMAZING!
What I miss: Not too much this week.
Cravings: Pizza...mmm. I plan on fixing this tomorrow!
Symptoms: I feel pretty good right now. Hopefully I'll be symptom free for a little while.
Best Moment this week: Doctor's appointment was Friday:) got to see Baby, seeing as s/he didn't want us to hear the heartbeat. Scary moment, but s/he has a very strong heartbeat.
Not the best picture, because s/he was flipping around. But definitely starting to look more like a baby. I am beyond excited, to say the least! 14 Weeks, 6 Days. |
To all the Mom's and Mom's -to -Be out there...Happy Mother's Day! I believe that you become a Mom the moment you see those two pink lines...especially when for 9 months, you are the sole provider for that child. As for my First "unofficial" Mother's Day [as I call it], I just spent the day with the family and got some cards. We went to church, lunch, then came home. I know that my Mom is one of my best friends. She's my confidant, and I'm not sure what I would do without her. She's wonderful. She has been there through thick and then. Love you, Mom!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
14 Weeks!
How Far Along: 14 weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a lemon
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Stepped on the scale a couple nights ago, and lost 4 pounds. Not too sure...will find out Friday:)
Maternity Clothes: Buying more:) today, I got another dress for a wedding I'll be attending and then some shirts.
Gender: Strong feeling it's a little dancer :)
Movement: Waiting...not so patient about it either!
Sleep: Has been AMAZING!
What I miss: A stiff drink...not really, well, kinda.
Cravings: Chick-fil-A:)
Symptoms: Headaches. Does pregnancy brain count?!
Best Moment this week: Not gonna lie, this week has been horrible. I would not wanna relive it for anything in my life. Thinking the only reason I was so determined was for Baby. Looking forward to Friday though:)
Monday, April 25, 2011
13 Weeks and a couple days...OOPS!
How Far Along: 13 weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a peach
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Scared to step on the scale. When I did last week, I was the same as before. So, hopefully nothing.
Maternity Clothes: My Easter dress was maternity and oh so comfy!
Gender: Strong feeling it's a little dancer :)
Movement: None. At all. Too early.
Sleep: Getting better
What I miss: This week...to be honest, not all that much.
Cravings: Chick-fil-A:)
Symptoms: Some of my symptoms have faded unless something off set it. Frequent urination. Headaches. Does pregnancy brain count?!
Best Moment this week: Making it to second trimester! Very excited :)
I have no idea how I am a week behind, but I have been so busy with a lot of things. I hope that eveyone had a wonderful and blessed Easter, and I will get around to an Easter post hopefully soon:)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
11 Weeks
How Far Along: 11 weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a lime:)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained two pounds...so I'm even with pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity Clothes: Got a pair of pants for work the other day...so comfy!
Gender: Strong feeling it's a little dancer :)
Movement: None. At all. Too early.
Sleep: Sucks...I am barely sleeping at all. It's horrible.
What I miss: Not having headaches all the time. Sleeping.
Cravings: Hmm...Japanesse food.
Symptoms: Tender breasts. Fatigue. Frequent urination. Headaches. Does pregnancy brain count?!
Best Moment this week: Hearing Baby's heartbeat at doctor's appointment yesterday. 157 Beats per minute...sweetest sound ever! Also, starting a new job :)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Random Ramblings
I am so sorry that I haven't posted my 10 week update...and to be honest, I'm not going to this week. Nothing has really changed, and I will post [hopefully] on Saturday or Sunday after my doctor appointment this Friday. To be honest, I am so excited about the appointment, seeing as we didn't get to hear the heartbeat last appointment. I can't wait to hear that oh so beautiful sound!
But around here this week...things have been hectic!! I started feeling better last week, but then this week...things have reared their nasty head again. Migraines...check! And they are absolutely horrible. I'm hoping that they will start to subside as soon as I hit 2nd tri! And I hope they do. They're no fun! Morning sickness, on the other hand, hasn't been near as bad as it was. It has subsided a lot...but I still get nauseous some. Hopefully that is going away for good. I do know...a full night's sleep would be wonderful sometime though!
But like I was saying about this week....dang! I need a breather. It's exhausting being pregnant with other things going on. Last Saturday and Sunday, I had orientation for work and start this Friday. As nervous as I am...I'm also so excited about starting work again. I really haven't had a job since December [minus the 3 weeks in February]...so I am pretty happy about this. Monday night, we had some severe weather move through. And I mean severe when I say that...not just some "I'm scared and think this is gonna be bad" weather. We were out of power for almost 24 hours [can't complain, I know]. But the thing is, we almost think that a tornado skipped around us. Our chicken houses have tin thrown off the roof...stuff flew across the road in to our hay field...there are HUGE trees uprooted...and then the people down the road have an ass load of cleaning up to do. Thankfully, everyone is safe. But literally, the power went out and BAM the storm was right over us. We seriously had no warning at all..no thunder, lightning, or anything. So not too sure what it was.
But, I am going to end this for the night. Just needed to ramble on some. Hope y'all have a wonderful rest of the week!
But around here this week...things have been hectic!! I started feeling better last week, but then this week...things have reared their nasty head again. Migraines...check! And they are absolutely horrible. I'm hoping that they will start to subside as soon as I hit 2nd tri! And I hope they do. They're no fun! Morning sickness, on the other hand, hasn't been near as bad as it was. It has subsided a lot...but I still get nauseous some. Hopefully that is going away for good. I do know...a full night's sleep would be wonderful sometime though!
But like I was saying about this week....dang! I need a breather. It's exhausting being pregnant with other things going on. Last Saturday and Sunday, I had orientation for work and start this Friday. As nervous as I am...I'm also so excited about starting work again. I really haven't had a job since December [minus the 3 weeks in February]...so I am pretty happy about this. Monday night, we had some severe weather move through. And I mean severe when I say that...not just some "I'm scared and think this is gonna be bad" weather. We were out of power for almost 24 hours [can't complain, I know]. But the thing is, we almost think that a tornado skipped around us. Our chicken houses have tin thrown off the roof...stuff flew across the road in to our hay field...there are HUGE trees uprooted...and then the people down the road have an ass load of cleaning up to do. Thankfully, everyone is safe. But literally, the power went out and BAM the storm was right over us. We seriously had no warning at all..no thunder, lightning, or anything. So not too sure what it was.
But, I am going to end this for the night. Just needed to ramble on some. Hope y'all have a wonderful rest of the week!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
9 Weeks
How Far Along: 9 weeks
Size of baby: Green Olive
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Finally braved the scale....down 4 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: None yet. But my jeans definitely get snug towards the end of the day.
Gender: Still thimking it's a little dancer :)
Movement: None. At all. Too early.
Sleep: Has sucked! I get up a couple times a night to use the restroom. And randomly wake up. And I can't get comfortable at all.
What I miss: Being able to eat without getting full right away or the need to vomit.
Cravings: Sweets. It's bad...but I'm watching what I'm eating.
Symptoms: Morning [or all day, for that matter] sickness is the Devil. No pun intended. Tender breasts. Fatigue. Frequent urination. Does pregnancy brain count?!
Best Moment this week: Feeling real rested this week! Random, I know. But naps are the best right now!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
8 Weeks 3 Days [Again, a little late]
How Far Along: 8 weeks 3 days.
Size of baby: According to The Bump, Baby is the size of a raspberry, again. According to WTEWE, Baby is a Green Olive. I'm believing the bump.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: To be honest, not sure. I hate the scales and try and avoid them. [Same answer as last week]
Maternity Clothes: None yet. But my jeans definitely get snug towards the end of the day.
Gender: Find out June 10! Cannot wait. Thinking it's a girl right now.
Movement: None. At all. Too early.
Sleep: Has sucked! I get up a couple times a night to use the restroom. And randomly wake up. And I can't get comfortable at all.
What I miss: A cold beer every now and then.
Cravings: Sweets. It's bad...but I'm watching what I'm eating.
Symptoms: Morning [or all day, for that matter] sickness is the Devil. No pun intended. Tender breasts. Fatigue. Frequent urination. Does pregnancy brain count?!
Best Moment this week: Starting to tell people, slowly but surely :)
Sorry I was a little late again this week, I will try to get on track. But things have been so incredibly busy around here. Hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
7 Weeks 4 Days [Little Late]
How Far Along: 7 weeks 4 days
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a raspberry this week!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: To be honest, not sure. I hate the scales and try and avoid them.
Maternity Clothes: None yet. But my jeans definitely get snug towards the end of the day.
Gender: Find out June 10! Cannot wait. Thinking it's a girl right now.
Movement: None. At all. Too early.
Sleep: Has been okay. I get up a couple times a night to use the restroom. And randomly wake up.
What I miss: Hmm. I can't really say I miss anything right now. I'm pretty sure that'll change soon!
Cravings: Chicken! I will eat anything chicken and not get tired of it!
Symptoms: Where to start? Nausea...Bad. Tender breasts. Dry mouth [yes, I read somewhere that was a symptom!]. That's all I can think of right now. Wait, does pregnancy brain count?!
Best Moment this week: This was technically in my 6th week, but I'll put it on here...seeing Baby on U/S last Friday! Best feeling in the world!
Think I believe it now...after FOUR at home pregnancy tests?! |
Baby at 6w6d...so tiny! |
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